Sponsored Links Agency

Attract More Traffic To Your Website

Digital marketing is a very broad concept, with thousands of strategies and combinations of efficient tactics, always used with the same objective: conversion. Conquering customers over the web almost always involves following the same path: attracting traffic, generating leads, nurturing them and, finally, closing the sale. The most prominent form nowadays is the so-called organic traffic, that is, when people come to your site spontaneously, without the use of ads. But, sponsored links are also a great option to attract the public, and should not be discarded.

What are sponsored links?

In a simple and direct way, we can say that sponsored links are ads in the form of plain text. The best known way they are found is on search engines like Google and Bing.

At the top of the results, some highlighted sites appear with the identification that they are ads. These are sponsored links.

In recent years, advertisements on social networks have also emerged, which have been gaining more and more strength. Among the various formats available are sponsored links.

They are usually separated into:
CPC (cost per click): with each click on the link, the advertiser pays;
CPM (cost per thousand impressions): when the ad reaches a thousand views, or impressions, the advertiser pays;
CPA (cost per action): only charged when the user performs some action on the advertiser's website;
CPV (cost per view): for each person who sees the ad, an amount is paid. The amounts paid depend on the model and keyword chosen by the advertiser, each with its advantages and characteristics.

Why should you use sponsored links in your digital strategy?

On the one hand, there are those who focus virtually all of their marketing budget on ads, including sponsored links.

On the other hand, some completely abhor this strategy, thinking that it is part of the old and ineffective methods of marketing and that it is time to focus only on organic tactics.

In the end, who is right? Of course, each one must decide how to run his own business and what are the principles to follow.

But the best way is to find the balance between organic and paid marketing tactics.

In that case, there are good reasons to invest in sponsored links! This strategy has several benefits. She is:

Easy to scale

You can start a campaign with few resources and increase your investment as you get a return for your company.

This is a good alternative for those who are just starting out and don’t want to take too many risks if things don’t go as expected.

If that was your fear, maybe it’s a good time to prepare and consider using sponsored links.

Simple to measure

Nowadays, there is no space to carry out any marketing action without being able to properly measure the results and make adjustments.

Knowing this, ad platforms have very powerful metrics analysis tools and provide reports with all the information you need.

Using this data, you will be able to re-evaluate the way you are working on campaigns and ensure that the investment is not lost.

Quick to Optimize

Encountered issues while reviewing your campaigns’ progress reports? No problem, the platforms offer quick and practical ways to change any element of a campaign.

That way, you’re not stuck with a bad initial decision, and you have real power over the money you’re spending.

This agility is also important when optimizing the campaign if it is doing well and you decide to expand its reach.

Made with targeting in mind

A problem associated with ads has a lot to do with the traditional idea we have in relation to Outbound Marketing.

It is common to see flyers being thrown to anyone who accepts or TV commercials selling to “anyone”.

With sponsored links this “shooting everywhere” technique is not used. On the contrary, they have evolved over the years, taking into account audience segmentation.

This means offering products and services only to those who have shown real interest in purchasing them. Thus, you are the one who chooses who will see your ad.

What we do

  • Creation of the persona and target audience;
  • Creation, configuration, optimization and monitoring of paid traffic campaigns;
  • Production of creatives for remarketing campaigns;
  • Results reports.

Call and make your budget

+55 (62) 3088-1130

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+55 (62) 3088-1130

About Webcer

We increase your sales with Strategic Digital Marketing, with Inbound Marketing Management, Paid Traffic, SEO, Website Development, Video Production and Visual Identity in Brazil, United States and Europe.
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