E-mail Marketing

Email Marketing is all direct communication, via email, that takes place between a company and its contacts or customers. An Email Marketing campaign can be developed in text or HTML and contain products, promotions or content. Typically, messages are sent using an email trigger tool.

What is email marketing?

To begin with, we can say that Email Marketing is a communication practice that directly connects companies and their audience through a communication channel used by 53% of the world's population. We are sure, based on some data, that you who are reading this content have at least one email box.

According to data from Statista, the number of email users around the world in 2021 was 4.14 billion, which represents an increase of 110 million new users compared to 2020 (in the same period, the world's population had an increase of 74 million). The forecast for 2025 is that this number will reach 4.59 billion.

Number of email users worldwide 2017-2025 (Published by Statista Research Bureau, March 19, 2021)

Based on that, it's pretty likely that your company's target audience is among those people, right?

The history of Email Marketing began at the end of the 1970s, when the marketing manager of Digital Equipment Corp, the American Gary Thuerk, sent 400 emails promoting the company's computers, which resulted in 13 million dollars in sales.

Email Marketing Advantages

Ferramentas de Email Marketing

Many people came to say that Email Marketing was nearing its end with the growth of social media, but that is not what happened. Other data from Statista prove the relevance of this communication channel, not only today but also in the future:

In 2020, approximately 306 billion emails were sent and received every day around the world;
That number of emails sent per day is expected to increase to more than 376 billion daily by 2025;
In 2020, email marketing revenue was $7.5 billion, and by 2023, that number is expected to cross the $10 billion threshold, reaching $17.9 billion by 2027.
In practice, few if any other channels can match the return on investment (ROI) of email marketing. This is true because people have email fully incorporated into their lives: it is the simplest and most fundamental thing anyone can have on the internet.

Many go further and are even compulsive with their use, spending all their time with their email box open and checking each new message that arrives.

Undoubtedly social networks, for example, are a great way to spread your message and reach your customers. However, these channels are generally viewed more informally and with less commitment than email.

As we enter this comparison, there is also a fundamental difference between the delivery of messages through social networks and Email: in networks, there is an intermediary, which are the algorithms. They deliver your brand messages to a limited number of people. With Email Marketing, communication is direct, from one email box to another.

What we do

  • Configuration and Management of automations through RD Station;
  • Creation of landing pages for conversion;
  • Integration with websites and e-commerces;
  • Creation of layouts for sending email marketing.

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